I’ve started my first series, teaching about money through motocross. I’ve learned over the years that we all learn differently. Sometimes we can hear the same lessons over and over again, and not grasp it. Finally you hear that lesson put a different way and it all makes sense. That’s my hope with this series: Teach money lessons in a different way, to a different audience.

What really is “kickstarting” this for me is the fact that I was recently featured on none other than RacerX Illustrated

They are one of the main motocross publications and put out great content. I read virtually every article they put out every day. I have a near encyclopedic knowledge of motocross going back to around 2004, when I first got into it, thanks in large part to their work.

It’s very exciting to be featured and hopefully it can lead to more collaboration in the future.

Moto Money Posts:

  1. Holeshot Your Finances
  2. Ride Your Own Race
  3. Crash or Win

Stay tuned for more!